Just like T4 Desktop, T4 Android is highly customizable. You can access T4 Android settings from almost every screen in the application. Simply select the "Settings" option in the application menu.
In fact, many of the configurable options you will find in T4 Android are the same options you are used to in our desktop application.
Please see the next section for some helpful hints on how to get the most out of T4 Android.
How Do I?
Change My Password in T4 Android
Changing your password in T4 Android is easy. Simply find the option on the General section of the settings.
Change how order submission are confirmed
Device volume button can be turned on/off in Settings -> Contract
Tip: Remember that T4 user accounts are shared between all of our applications. Changing your password in T4 Android will change it everywhere.
Tip: Unlike our desktop application, T4 Android automatically saves your configuration changes on the fly. You will not find a "save" button in T4 Android.
TIP:Scroll Positions are Remembered
The quote board, positions, order and fills screens now all remember their current scroll positions for the current session. Each page of the quote board and each filter of the other screens all remember their scroll positions separately. Let me know if you agree with this info being lost on logoff because changing it is easy.